Chapter 59—Teaching Useful Trades
Every Child Should Learn Some Trade—The carelessness of
parents in failing to furnish employment to the children that they have
taken the responsibility of bringing into the world has resulted in
untold evil, imperiling the lives of many youth and greatly crippling
their usefulness. It is a great mistake to permit young men to grow up
without learning some trade
From the pillar of cloud Jesus gave directions through Moses to
the Hebrews that they should educate their children to work, that they
should teach them trades, and that none should be idle
You should help your children to acquire a knowledge, that, if
necessary, they could live by their own labor. You should teach them
to be decided in following the calls of duty
Teach Use of Tools—When children reach a suitable age, they
should be provided with tools. If their work is made interesting, they
will be found apt pupils in the use of tools. If the father is a carpenter,
he should give his boys lessons in house building, ever bringing into
his instruction lessons from the Bible, the words of Scripture in which
the Lord compares human beings to His building
Train Sons in Agriculture—Fathers should train their sons to
engage with them in their trades and employments. Farmers should
not think that agriculture is a business that is not elevated enough for
their sons. Agriculture should be advanced by scientific knowledge.
Farming has been pronounced unprofitable. People say that the
soil does not pay for the labor expended upon it, and they bemoan the
hard fate of those who till the soil.... But should persons of proper
ability take hold of this line of employment, and make a study of the
soil, and learn how to plant, to cultivate, and to gather in the harvest,
more encouraging results might be seen. Many say, “We have tried
Manuscript 121, 1901
Manuscript 24b, 1894
The Signs of the Times, August 19, 1875
Manuscript 45, 1912