Knowledge of and Obedience to the Laws of Life
Show how the healthy action of the respiratory organs, assisting the
circulation of the blood, invigorates the whole system, excites the
appetite, promotes digestion, and induces sound, sweet sleep, thus not
only refreshing the body, but soothing and tranquilizing the mind. And
while the importance of deep breathing is shown, the practice should
be insisted upon. Let exercises be given which will promote this, and
see that the habit becomes established....
The training of the voice has an important place in physical culture,
since it tends to expand and strengthen the lungs, and thus to ward
off disease. To ensure correct delivery in reading and speaking, see
that the abdominal muscles have full play in breathing, and that the
respiratory organs are unrestricted. Let the strain come on the muscles
of the abdomen rather than on those of the throat. Great weariness and
serious disease of the throat and lungs may thus be prevented. Careful
attention should be given to securing distinct articulation, smooth,
well-modulated tones, and a not-too-rapid delivery. This will not only
promote health, but will add greatly to the agreeableness and efficiency
of the student’s work
Three Essentials for Family Happiness—In the study of hygiene
the earnest teacher will improve every opportunity to show the ne-
cessity of perfect cleanliness both in personal habits and in all one’s
surroundings. The value of the daily bath in promoting health and in
stimulating mental action should be emphasized. Attention should
be given also to sunlight and ventilation, the hygiene of the sleeping
room and the kitchen. Teach the pupils that a healthful sleeping room,
a thoroughly clean kitchen, and a tastefully arranged, wholesomely
supplied table will go farther toward securing the happiness of the
family and the regard of every sensible visitor than any amount of
expensive furnishing in the drawing room. That “the life is more than
meat, and the body is more than raiment” (
Luke 12:23
) is a lesson
no less needed now than when given by the divine Teacher eighteen
hundred years ago
Seek to Understand Nature’s Remedies—Pure air, sunlight, ab-
stemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in
divine power—these are the true remedies. Every person should have
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