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Child Guidance
time being, the intellect seems to be invigorated, the imagination more
vivid. Because these stimulants produce such agreeable results, many
conclude that they really need them; but there is always a reaction.
The nervous system has borrowed power from its future resources
for present use, and all this temporary invigoration is followed by
a corresponding depression. The suddenness of the relief obtained
from tea and coffee is an evidence that what seems to be strength is
only nervous excitement, and consequently must be an injury to the
Tobacco, a Subtle Poison—Tobacco using is a habit which fre-
quently affects the nervous system in a more powerful manner than
does the use of alcohol. It binds the victim in stronger bands of slavery
than does the intoxicating cup; the habit is more difficult to overcome.
Body and mind are, in many cases, more thoroughly intoxicated with
the use of tobacco than with spirituous liquors; for it is a more subtle
Tobacco ... affects the brain and benumbs the sensibilities, so that
the mind cannot clearly discern spiritual things, especially those truths
which would have a tendency to correct this filthy indulgence. Those
who use tobacco in any form are not clear before God. In such a filthy
practice it is impossible for them to glorify God in their bodies and
spirits, which are His
Tobacco weakens the brain and paralyzes its fine sensibilities. Its
use excites a thirst for strong drink, and in very many cases lays the
foundation for the liquor habit
Effects of Stimulants and Narcotics—The effect of stimulants
and narcotics is to lessen physical strength, and whatever affects the
body will affect the mind. A stimulant may for a time arouse the
energies and produce mental and physical activity; but when the ex-
hilarating influence is gone, both mind and body will be in a worse
condition than before. Intoxicating liquors and tobacco have proved a
terrible curse to our race, not only weakening the body and confusing
the mind, but debasing the morals. As the control of reason is set aside,
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 31
Testimonies For The Church 3:562
Counsels on Health, 81
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 17