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Home and the Temperance Crusade
the animal passions will bear sway. The more freely these poisons are
used, the more brutish will become the nature
Teach Children to Abhor Stimulants—Teach your children to
abhor stimulants. How many are ignorantly fostering in them an
appetite for these things
God calls upon parents to guard their children against the indul-
gence of appetite, and especially against the use of stimulants and
narcotics. The tables of Christian parents should never be loaded with
food containing condiments and spices. They are to study to preserve
the stomach from any abuse
In this fast age the less exciting the food the better. Temperance in
all things and firm denial of appetite is the only path of safety
A Challenge to Parents—Parents may have transmitted to their
children tendencies to appetite and passion, which will make more
difficult the work of educating and training these children to be strictly
temperate and to have pure and virtuous habits. If the appetite for
unhealthy food and for stimulants and narcotics has been transmitted
to them as a legacy from their parents, what a fearfully solemn respon-
sibility rests upon the parents to counteract the evil tendencies which
they have given to their children! How earnestly and diligently should
the parents work to do their duty, in faith and hope, to their unfortunate
Tastes and Appetites Must Be Educated—Parents should make
it their first business to understand the laws of life and health, that
nothing shall be done by them in the preparation of food, or through
any other habits, which will develop wrong tendencies in their chil-
dren. How carefully should mothers study to prepare their tables with
the most simple, healthful food, that the digestive organs may not be
weakened, the nervous forces unbalanced, and the instruction which
they should give their children counteracted, by the food placed before
them. This food either weakens or strengthens the organs of the stom-
The Signs of the Times, September 13, 1910
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 17
The Review and Herald, June 27, 1899
Testimonies For The Church 3:561
Testimonies For The Church 3:567, 568