Teaching the Fundamental Principles of Dress
A Point Clarified—The question has often been asked me if I
believe it wrong to wear plain linen collars. [
Note: see
Testimonies for
the Church 1:135, 136
.] My answer has always been No. Some have
taken the extreme meaning of what I have written about collars, and
have maintained that it is wrong to wear one of any description. I was
shown expensively wrought collars, and expensive and unnecessary
ribbons and laces, which some Sabbathkeepers have worn, and still
wear for the sake of show and fashion. In mentioning collars, I did not
design to be understood that nothing like a collar should be worn, or
in mentioning ribbons, that no ribbons at all should be worn
Extravagant or Extreme Trimmings—Our ministers and their
wives should be an example in plainness of dress; they should dress
neatly, comfortably, wearing good material, but avoiding anything like
extravagance and trimmings, even if not expensive; for these things
tell to our disadvantage. We should educate the youth to simplicity
of dress, plainness with neatness. Let the extra trimmings be left out,
even though the cost be but a trifle
Not for Display—True refinement does not find satisfaction in the
adorning of the body for display
The Bible teaches modesty in dress. “In like manner also, that
women adorn themselves in modest apparel.”
1 Timothy 2:9
. This
forbids display in dress, gaudy colors, profuse ornamentation. Any
device designed to attract attention to the wearer or to excite admiration
is excluded from the modest apparel which God’s Word enjoins
Self-denial in dress is a part of our Christian duty. To dress plainly
and abstain from display of jewelry and ornaments of every kind is
in keeping with our faith. Are we of the number who see the folly of
worldlings in indulging in extravagance of dress as well as in love of
Imperishable Ornaments Versus Gold or Pearls—There is an
ornament that will never perish, that will promote the happiness of
all around us in this life, and will shine with undimmed luster in the
immortal future. It is the adorning of a meek and lowly spirit. God has
Testimonies For The Church 1:135, 136
Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 180
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 93
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 302
Testimonies For The Church 3:366