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Child Guidance
bidden us wear the richest dress upon the soul.... Instead of seeking
golden ornaments for the exterior, an earnest effort would be put forth
to secure that wisdom which is of more value than fine gold
Of how little value are gold or pearls or costly array in comparison
with the loveliness of Christ. Natural loveliness consists in symmetry,
or the harmonious proportion of parts, each with the other; but spiritual
loveliness consists in the harmony or likeness of our souls to Jesus.
This will make its possessor more precious than fine gold, even the
golden wedge of Ophir. The grace of Christ is indeed a priceless
adornment. It elevates and ennobles its possessor and reflects beams
of glory upon others, attracting them also to the Source of light and
The Attractiveness of Genuine Beauty—There is a natural ten-
dency with all to be sentimental rather than practical. In view of this
fact, it is important that parents, in the education of their children,
should direct and train their minds to love truth, duty, and self-denial,
and to possess noble independence, to choose to be right, if the major-
ity choose to be wrong....
If they preserve to themselves sound constitutions and amiable
tempers, they will possess true beauty that they can wear with a divine
grace. And they will have no need to be adorned with artificials, for
these are always expressive of an absence of the inward adorning of
true moral worth. A beautiful character is of value in the sight of God.
Such beauty will attract, but not mislead. Such charms are fast colors;
they never fade
The pure religion of Jesus requires of its followers the simplicity
of natural beauty and the polish of natural refinement and elevated
purity, rather than the artificial and false
Teach Children to Recognize Sensible Dress—Let us be faithful
to the duties of the home life. Let your children understand that
obedience must reign there. Teach them to distinguish between that
which is sensible and that which is foolish in the matter of dress, and
furnish them with clothes that are neat and simple. As a people who
are preparing for the soon return of Christ, we should give to the world
Testimonies For The Church 4:643, 644
The Review and Herald, December 6, 1881
The Signs of the Times, September 9, 1875
Testimonies For The Church 3:375