Teaching the Fundamental Principles of Dress
an example of modest dress in contrast with the prevailing fashion
of the day. Talk these things over, and plan wisely what you will do;
then carry out your plans in your families. Determine to be guided by
higher principles than the notions and desires of your children
If our hearts are united with Christ’s heart, ... nothing will be put
upon the person to attract attention or to create controversy
Provide Becoming Garments Appropriate for Age and Station
in Life—My sister, bind your children to your heart by affection.
Give them proper care and attention in all things. Furnish them with
becoming garments, that they may not be mortified by their appearance,
for this would be injurious to their self-respect.... It is always right to
be neat and to be clad appropriately, in a manner becoming to your
age and station in life
The Body Should Not Be Constricted—The dress should fit eas-
ily, obstructing neither the circulation of the blood nor a free, full,
natural respiration. The feet should be suitably protected from cold
and damp. Clad in this way, we can take exercise in the open air,
even in the dew of morning or evening, or after a fall of rain or snow,
without fear of taking cold
The Dress of Young Children—If the dress of the child combines
warmth, protection, and comfort, one of the chief causes of irritation
and restlessness will be removed. The little one will have better health,
and the mother will not find the care of the child so heavy a tax upon
her strength and time.
Tight bands or waists hinder the action of the heart and lungs and
should be avoided. No part of the body should at any time be made
uncomfortable by clothing that compresses any organ or restricts its
freedom of movement. The clothing of all children should be loose
enough to admit of the freest and fullest respiration, and so arranged
that the shoulders will support its weight
Let the Extremities Be Properly Clothed—Special attention
should be given to the extremities, that they may be as thoroughly
clothed as the chest and the region over the heart, where is the greatest
Manuscript 45, 1911
Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 131
Testimonies For The Church 4:142
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 89, 90
The Ministry of Healing, 382