Chapter 73—Responsibility for Eternal Interests
Ours Is a Day of Special Peril for Children—We are living in
an unfortunate age for children. A heavy current is setting downward
to perdition, and more than childhood’s experience and strength is
needed to press against this current, and not be borne down by it. The
youth generally seem to be Satan’s captives, and he and his angels are
leading them to certain destruction. Satan and his hosts are warring
against the government of God, and all who have a desire to yield their
hearts to Him and obey His requirements Satan will try to perplex and
overcome with his temptations, that they may become discouraged
and give up the warfare
We never needed close connection with God more than we need it
today. One of the greatest dangers that besets God’s people has ever
been from conformity to worldly maxims and customs. The youth
especially are in constant peril. Fathers and mothers should be on their
guard against the wiles of Satan. While he is seeking to accomplish
the ruin of their children, let not parents flatter themselves that there is
no particular danger. Let them not give thought and care to the things
of this world, while the higher, eternal interests of their children are
Parents in General Are Indifferent—It is a sad thing when par-
ents grow cold in their spiritual life, and, because of waning piety and
want of devotion to God, they do not realize the high responsibility that
devolves upon them to patiently and thoroughly train their children to
keep the way of the Lord
Parents in general are doing their best to unfit their children for the
stern realities of life, for the difficulties that will surround them in the
future, when they will be called upon to decide for right or wrong, and
when strong temptations will be brought upon them. They will then be
Testimonies For The Church 1:397
The Review and Herald, June 13, 1882
The Signs of the Times, September 17, 1894