Responsibility for Eternal Interests
found weak where they should be strong. They will waver in principle
and duty, and humanity will suffer from their weakness
The All-important Work Is Neglected—One great reason why
there is so much evil in the world today is that parents occupy their
minds with other things to the exclusion of the work that is all-
important—the task of patiently and kindly teaching their children
the way of the Lord
Mothers may have acquired knowledge of many things, but they
have not acquired the essential knowledge unless they have a knowl-
edge of Christ as a personal Saviour. If Christ is in the home, if mothers
have made Him their counselor, they will educate their children from
their very babyhood in the principles of true religion
Satan Is Allowed to Control—Because men and women do not
obey God, but choose their own way and follow their own perverted
imagination, Satan is permitted to set up his hellish banner in their
families and make his power felt through babes, children, and youth.
His voice and will are expressed in the unsubdued wills and warped
characters of the children, and through them he exerts a controlling
power and carries out his plans. God is dishonored by the exhibition
of perverse tempers, which exclude reverence for Him, and induce
obedience to Satan’s suggestions. The sin committed by parents in
thus permitting Satan to bear sway is beyond conception
Many parents by their training, by their foolish indulgence and
pampering of the tastes and appetite, are making themselves respon-
sible for the crooked ways and dispositions of their children. Satan
can control the whole being by that disposition to disobey the laws of
God. Parents do not, like Abraham, command their households after
them. And what is the result? Children and youth are standing under
the rebel flag. They will not be ruled, but are determined to follow
their own will. The only hope for children is to teach them to deny
and not indulge self
A Severe Battle Before Undisciplined Children—Children who
are thus brought up undisciplined have everything to learn when they
Pacific Health Journal, January, 1890
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 129
The Signs of the Times, July 22, 1889
Testimonies For The Church 5:325
Letter 117, 1898