Every Home a Church
erelong to determine the fitness of each to enter the higher school and
become a member of the royal family, a child of the heavenly King
They Must Lead Consistent Lives—Everything leaves its im-
press upon the youthful mind. The countenance is studied, the voice
has its influence, and the deportment is closely imitated by them. Fret-
ful and peevish fathers and mothers are giving their children lessons
which at some period in their lives they would give all the world, were
it theirs, could they unlearn. Children must see in the lives of their
parents that consistency which is in accordance with their faith. By
leading a consistent life and exercising self-control, parents may mold
the characters of their children
Train Children as Workers for Christ—Those who are united
by the ties of nature have the strongest claims upon each other. The
members of the family should manifest kindness and the tenderest love.
The words spoken and the deeds performed should be in accordance
with Christian principles. In this way the home may be made a school,
where workers for Christ may be trained.
The home is to be regarded as a sacred place.... Every day of our
lives we should surrender ourselves to God. Thus we may gain special
help and daily victories. The cross is to be borne daily. Every word
should be guarded, for we are responsible to God to represent in our
lives as far as possible the character of Christ
A Fatal Mistake Many Make.—Can we educate our sons and
daughters for a life of respectable conventionality, a life professedly
Christian, but lacking His self-sacrifice, a life on which the verdict of
Him who is truth must be, “I know you not”? Thousands are doing this.
They think to secure for their children the benefits of the gospel while
they deny its spirit. But this cannot be. Those who reject the privilege
of fellowship with Christ in service reject the only training that imparts
a fitness for participation with Him in His glory. They reject the
training that in this life gives strength and nobility of character. Many
a father and mother, denying their children to the cross of Christ, have
learned too late that they were thus giving them over to the enemy of
God and man. They sealed their ruin, not alone for the future but for
Manuscript 12, 1898
Testimonies For The Church 4:621
Manuscript 140, 1897