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Child Guidance
the present life. Temptation overcame them. They grew up a curse to
the world, a grief and shame to those who gave them being
We know not in what line our children may be called to serve.
They may spend their lives within the circle of the home; they may
engage in life’s common vocations or go as teachers of the gospel
to heathen lands; but all are alike called to be missionaries for God,
ministers of mercy to the world. They are to obtain an education that
will help them to stand by the side of Christ in unselfish service
Teach Them to Rely on Divine Aid.—If you wish your children
to possess enlarged capacities to do good, teach them to have a right
hold of the future world. If they are instructed to rely upon divine aid in
their difficulties and dangers, they will not lack power to curb passion
and to check the inward temptations to do wrong. Connection with
the Source of wisdom will give light and the power of discernment
between right and wrong. Those so endowed will become morally and
intellectually strong and will have clearer views and better judgment
even in temporal affairs
Salvation Assured Through Faith and Trust.—We can have the
salvation of God in our families; but we must believe for it, live for it,
and have a continual, abiding faith and trust in God.... The restraint
which God’s Word imposes upon us is for our own interest. It increases
the happiness of our families, and of all around us. It refines our taste,
sanctifies our judgment, and brings peace of mind, and in the end,
everlasting life.... Ministering angels will linger in our dwellings, and
with joy carry heavenward the tidings of our advance in the divine life,
and the recording angel will make a cheerful, happy record
The Spirit of Christ will be an abiding influence in the home life.
If men and women will open their hearts to the heavenly influence of
truth and love, these principles will flow forth again like streams in
the desert, refreshing all and causing freshness to appear where now is
barrenness and dearth
Your children will carry forth from the home the precious influence
of the home education. Then work in the home circle, in the first years
Education, 264, 265
Prophets and Kings, 245
The Health Reformer, November 1, 1878
Pacific Health Journal, January, 1890
Manuscript 142, 1898