Seite 377 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Leading Little Children to Christ
they cannot help. The minds of the little ones may be taught to turn to
Jesus as the flower turns its opening petals to the sun
God’s Love Should Be Taught in Every Lesson.—The first les-
son that children are to be taught is that God is their Father. This lesson
should be given them in their earliest years. Parents are to realize that
they are responsible before God for making their children acquainted
with their heavenly Father.... That God is love is to be taught by every
Fathers and mothers should teach the infant, the child, and the
youth of the love of Jesus. Let the first baby lispings be of Christ
Christ should be associated with all the lessons given to children
From the child’s earliest years it is to be made acquainted with the
things of God. In simple words let the mother tell it about Christ’s
life on earth. And more than this, let her bring into her daily life the
teachings of the Saviour. Let her show her child, by her own example,
that this life is a preparation for the life to come, a period granted to
human beings in which they may form characters that will win for
them entrance into the city of God
They Need More Than Casual Notice.—There has been alto-
gether too little attention paid to our children and youth, and they
have failed to develop as they should in the Christian life, because
the church members have not looked upon them with tenderness and
sympathy, desiring that they might be advanced in the divine life
The Lord is not glorified when the children are neglected and
passed by.... They require more than casual notice, more than a word
of encouragement. They need painstaking, prayerful, careful labor.
The heart that is filled with love and sympathy will reach the hearts of
the youth who are apparently careless and hopeless
Jesus Says, “Train These Children for Me.”—Parents should
seek to comprehend the fact that they are to train their children for
the courts of God. When they are entrusted with children, it is the
Good Health, January, 1880
The Review and Herald, June 6, 1899
The Review and Herald, October 9, 1900
The Signs of the Times, February 9, 1882
Manuscript 2, 1903
The Review and Herald, February 13, 1913
Counsels on Sabbath School Work, 77