Seite 378 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Child Guidance
same as though Christ placed them in their arms and said, “Train these
children for Me, that they may shine in the courts of God.” One of
the first sounds that should attract their attention is the name of Jesus,
and in their earliest years they should be led to the footstool of prayer.
Their minds should be filled with stories of the life of the Lord, and
their imaginations encouraged in picturing the glories of the world to
They May Have a Christian Experience in Childhood.—Help
your children to prepare for the mansions that Christ has gone to
prepare for those that love Him. Help them to fulfill God’s purpose for
them. Let your training be such that it will help them to be an honor to
the One who died to secure for them eternal life in the kingdom of God.
Teach them to respond to the invitation, “Take my yoke upon you, and
learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest
unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
My brother and sister, you have a sacred work to do in the training
of your children. While they are young, their hearts and minds are
most susceptible to right impressions.... Teach them that they have an
individual part to act and a Christian experience to gain even in their
Unless parents shall make it the first business of their lives to guide
their children’s feet into the path of righteousness from their earliest
years, the wrong path will be chosen before the right
Willing Obedience Is the Test of Conversion.—Shall we not
teach our children that willing obedience to the will of God proves
whether those claiming to be Christians are Christians indeed? The
Lord means every word He says
God’s Law the Foundation of Reformation.—The law of God
is to be the means of education in the family. Parents are under a most
solemn obligation to walk in all the commandments of God, setting
their children an example of the strictest integrity....
The law of God is the foundation of all enduring reformation. We
are to present to the world in clear, distinct lines the need of obedience
The Review and Herald, February 19, 1895
Manuscript 138, 1903
Letter 10, 1912
The Review and Herald, April 14, 1885
Manuscript 64, 1899