Leading Little Children to Christ
to His law. The great reformative movement must begin in the home.
Obedience to God’s law is the great incentive to industry, economy,
truthfulness, and just dealing between man and man
Teach It to the Children.—Have you taught your children from
their babyhood to keep the commandments of God? ... You are to teach
them to form characters after the divine similitude, that Christ may
reveal Himself to them. He is willing to reveal Himself to children.
We know this from the history of Joseph, of Samuel, of Daniel and his
companions. Can we not see from the record of their lives what God
expects from children and youth
Parents ... are under obligation to God to present their children to
Him fitted at a very early period to receive an intelligent knowledge of
what is comprehended in being a follower of Jesus Christ
Testimony of a Converted Child.—Religion helps children to
study better and to do more faithful work. A little girl of twelve was
telling, in a simple way, the evidence that she was a Christian. “I did
not like to study, but to play. I was idle at school and often missed
my lessons. Now I learn every lesson well, to please God. I was
mischievous at school, when the teachers were not looking at me,
making fun for the children to look at. Now I wish to please God by
behaving well and keeping the school laws. I was selfish at home,
didn’t like to run errands, and was sulky when mother called me from
play to help her in work. Now it is a real joy for me to help mother in
any way and to show that I love her.
Beware of Procrastination.—Parents, you should commence to
discipline the minds of your children while they are young, to the end
that they may be Christians.... Beware how you lull them to sleep over
the pit of destruction, with the mistaken thought that they are not old
enough to be accountable, not old enough to repent of their sins and
profess Christ
Children of eight, ten, or twelve years are old enough to be ad-
dressed on the subject of personal religion. Do not teach your children
with reference to some future period when they shall be old enough
Letter 74, 1900
Manuscript 62, 1901
Manuscript 59, 1900
Counsels on Sabbath School Work, 79
Testimonies For The Church 1:396