Child Guidance
with their children, they will find their own growth in a knowledge of
the truth more rapid. Unbelief will disappear; faith and activity will
increase; assurance and confidence will deepen as they thus follow on
to know the Lord
How Parents May Be Stumbling Blocks—What example do you
give your children? What order do you have at home? Your children
should be educated to be kind, thoughtful of others, gentle, easy to be
entreated, and, above everything else, to respect religious things and
feel the importance of the claims of God
Boys and girls may early reveal deep and symmetrical piety if
the means which God has ordained for the guidance of every family
is followed in His fear and love. They will demonstrate the value
of correct training and discipline. But the impression made upon
the mind of children by the words of the teacher of truth is often
counteracted by the words and actions of the parents. The susceptible
though wayward hearts of children are often impressed by the truth,
but often temptations come to them through father or mother, and they
fall a prey to Satan’s devices. It is almost impossible to set the feet
of children in safe paths when the parents do not co-operate. Evil
sentiments, falling from the lips of injudicious parents, are the chief
hindrance to genuine conversions among children
Live in Harmony With Your Prayers—“If ye abide in me, and
my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done
unto you.” When you pray, present this promise. It is our privilege to
come to Him with holy boldness. As in sincerity we ask Him to let
His light shine upon us, He will hear and answer us. But we must live
in harmony with our prayers. They are of no avail if we walk contrary
to them. I have seen a father who, after reading a portion of scripture
and offering prayer, would often, almost as soon as he had risen from
his knees, begin to scold his children. How could God answer the
prayer he had offered? And if, after scolding his children, a father
offers prayer, does that prayer benefit the children? No; not unless it is
a prayer of confession to God
The Review and Herald, May 6, 1909
Testimonies For The Church 5:424
Manuscript 49, 1901
Manuscript 114, 1903