Seite 387 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Preparing for Church Membership
When Children Are Ready for Baptism—Never allow your chil-
dren to suppose that they are not children of God until they are old
enough to be baptized. Baptism does not make children Christians;
neither does it convert them; it is but an outward sign, showing that
they are sensible that they should be children of God by acknowledging
that they believe in Jesus Christ as their Saviour and will henceforth
live for Christ
Parents whose children desire to be baptized have a work to do,
both in self-examination and in giving faithful instruction to their
children. Baptism is a most sacred and important ordinance, and
there should be a thorough understanding as to its meaning. It means
repentance for sin, and the entrance upon a new life in Christ Jesus.
There should be no undue haste to receive the ordinance. Let both
parents and children count the cost. In consenting to baptism of their
children, parents sacredly pledge themselves to be faithful stewards
over these children, to guide them in their character building. They
pledge themselves to guard with special interest these lambs of the
flock, that they may not dishonor the faith they profess....
When the happiest period of their life has come, and they in their
hearts love Jesus and wish to be baptized, then deal faithfully with
them. Before they receive the ordinance, ask them if it is to be their
first purpose in life to work for God. Then tell them how to begin. It is
the first lessons that mean so much. In simplicity teach them how to
do their first service for God. Make the work as easy to be understood
as possible. Explain what it means to give up self to the Lord, to do
just as His Word directs, under the counsel of Christian parents
Parents’ Duty After Baptism—After faithful labor, if you are
satisfied that your children understand the meaning of conversion and
baptism and are truly converted, let them be baptized. But, I repeat,
first of all prepare yourselves to act as faithful shepherds in guiding
their inexperienced feet in the narrow way of obedience. God must
work in the parents that they may give to their children a right example
in love, courtesy, and Christian humility, and in an entire giving up
of self to Christ. If you consent to the baptism of your children and
then leave them to do as they choose, feeling no special duty to keep
Manuscript 5, 1896
Testimonies For The Church 6:93, 94