Child Guidance
If we would study the Bible diligently and prayerfully every day,
we should every day see some beautiful truth in a new, clear, and
forcible light
Let All Study Sabbath School Lessons—The Sabbath school
affords to parents and children an opportunity for the study of God’s
Word. But in order for them to gain that benefit which they should gain
in the Sabbath school, both parents and children should devote time
to the study of the lesson, seeking to obtain a thorough knowledge of
the facts presented and also of the spiritual truths which these facts are
designed to teach. We should especially impress upon the minds of the
youth the importance of seeking the full significance of the scripture
under consideration.
Parents, set apart a little time each day for the study of the Sabbath
school lesson with your children. Give up the social visit if need be,
rather than sacrifice the hour devoted to the lessons of sacred history.
Parents as well as children will receive benefit from this study. Let
the more important passages of Scripture connected with the lesson be
committed to memory, not as a task, but as a privilege. Though at first
the memory be defective, it will gain strength by exercise, so that after
a time you will delight thus to treasure up the words of truth. And the
habit will prove a most valuable aid to spiritual growth
Parents should feel it a sacred duty to instruct their children in
the statutes and requirements of God as well as in the prophecies.
They should educate their children at home and should themselves be
interested in the Sabbath school lessons. By studying with the children
they show that they attach importance to the truth brought out in the
lessons, and help to create a taste for Bible knowledge
Be Not Satisfied With Superficial Knowledge—The importance
of seeking a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures can hardly be
estimated. “Given by inspiration of God” able to make us “wise unto
salvation,” rendering the man of God “perfect, throughly furnished
unto all good works” (
2 Timothy 3:15-17
), the Bible has the highest
claim to our reverent attention. We should not be satisfied with a
Counsels on Sabbath School Work, 23
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 137, 138
Testimonies on Sabbath School Work, 111