Bible in the Home
superficial knowledge, but should seek to learn the full meaning of the
words of truth, to drink deep of the spirit of the Holy Oracles
Apply Lessons to Child’s Experience—In teaching children the
Bible, we may gain much by observing the bent of their minds, the
things in which they are interested, and arousing their interest to see
what the Bible says about these things. He who created us, with our
various aptitudes, has in His Word given something for everyone. As
the pupils see that the lessons of the Bible apply to their own lives,
teach them to look to it as a counselor....
The Bible has a fullness, a strength, a depth of meaning, that
is inexhaustible. Encourage the children and youth to seek out its
treasures, both of thought and of expression
Each Must Study for Himself—Mothers and fathers carry a
heavy responsibility in regard to their children. Those parents who
believe and study the Scriptures will realize that they must obey the
commandments of God, that they must not walk contrary to His holy
law. Those who allow anyone, even the minister, to lead them to
disregard the Word of God must at the judgment meet the result of
their course. Parents are not to trust their own souls and the souls of
their children to the minister, but to God, whose they are by creation
and by redemption. Parents should search the Scriptures for them-
selves, for they have souls to save or to lose. They cannot afford to
depend for salvation upon the minister. They must study the truth for
Make Bible Study Interesting to Children—Let the youth be
taught to love the study of the Bible. Let the first place in our thoughts
and affections be given to the Book of books, for it contains knowledge
which we need above all other
In order to do this work, parents must themselves become ac-
quainted with the Word of God.... And instead of speaking vain words
and telling idle tales to their children, they will talk with them upon
Bible subjects. The book was not designed for scholars alone. It was
written in a plain, simple style to meet the understanding of the com-
mon people; and, with proper explanations, a large portion of it can be
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 139
Education, 188
Manuscript 33, 1900
The Review and Herald, October 9, 1883