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Child Guidance
down to the level of the common things. The reverence which the
people had anciently for the sanctuary, where they met with God in
sacred service, has largely passed away. Nevertheless God Himself
gave the order of His service, exalting it high above everything of a
temporal nature
The house of God is often desecrated, and the Sabbath violated
by Sabbath-believers’ children. In some cases they are even allowed
to run about the house, play, talk, and manifest their evil tempers
in the very meetings where the saints should worship God in the
beauty of holiness. And the place that should be holy, and where a
holy stillness should reign, and where there should be perfect order,
neatness, and humility, is made to be a perfect Babylon, “confusion.”
This is enough to bring God’s displeasure and shut His presence from
our assemblies
We Have More Reasons for Reverence Than the Hebrews—It
is too true that reverence for the house of God has become almost
extinct. Sacred things and places are not discerned; the holy and
exalted are not appreciated. Is there not a cause for the want of fervent
piety in our families? Is it not because the high standard of religion is
left to trail in the dust? God gave rules of order, perfect and exact, to
His ancient people. Has His character changed? Is He not the great
and mighty God who rules in the heaven of heavens? Would it not
be well for us often to read the directions given by God Himself to
the Hebrews, that we who have the light of the glorious truth shining
upon us may imitate their reverence for the house of God? We have
abundant reason ... even to be more thoughtful and reverential in our
worship than had the Jews. But an enemy has been at work to destroy
our faith in the sacredness of Christian worship
The Church—the Sanctuary of the Congregation—The house
is the sanctuary for the family, and the closet or the grove the most
retired place for individual worship; but the church is the sanctuary
for the congregation. There should be rules in regard to the time, the
place, and the manner of worshiping
Testimonies For The Church 5:491
The Review and Herald, September 19, 1854
Testimonies For The Church 5:495, 496
Testimonies For The Church 5:491