Child Guidance
Solemn Questions for Parents—Fathers and mothers, how stands
your record? Have you been faithful to your trust? As you have seen
your children inclined to follow a course that you knew would result
in impurity of thought and word and act, have you, first asking God for
help, tried to show them their danger? Have you pointed out to them
the peril of taking a path of their own choosing? Mothers, have you
neglected your God-given work—the greatest work ever committed to
mortals? Have you refused to bear your God-given responsibilities?
In the time of trouble just before us, when the judgments of God fall
upon the impure and unholy, will your children curse you because of
your indulgence
Parents New in the Message Need Instruction—Those who
bear the last message of mercy to the world should feel it their duty
to instruct parents in regard to home religion. Their great reformatory
movement must begin in presenting to fathers and mothers and chil-
dren the principles of the law of God. As the claims of the law are
presented, and men and women are convicted of their duty to render
obedience, show them the responsibility of their decision, not only for
themselves but for their children. Show that obedience to God’s Word
is our only safeguard against the evils that are sweeping the world to
Our Youth Need Help and Encouragement—Now is our time
and opportunity to labor for the young people. Tell them that we
are now in a perilous crisis, and we want to know how to discern
true godliness. Our young people need to be helped, uplifted, and
encouraged, but in the right manner; not, perhaps, as they would desire
it, but in a way that will help them to have sanctified minds. They need
good, sanctifying religion more than anything else
Do Not Delay—Coming events are casting their shadows upon
our pathway. Fathers, mothers, I appeal to you to make most earnest
efforts now for your children. Give them daily religious instruction.
Teach them to love God and to be true to the principles of right. With
lofty, earnest faith, directed by the divine influence of the Holy Spirit,
work, work now. Do not put it off one day, one hour
The Review and Herald, December 23, 1902
Testimonies For The Church 6:119
Fundamentals of Christian Education, 547
The Review and Herald, April 23, 1889