Hour is Late
Do a Thorough Work—Parents, humble your hearts before God.
Begin a thorough work with your children. Plead with the Lord to
forgive your disregard of His Word in neglecting to train your children
in the way they should go. Ask for light and guidance, for a tender
conscience, and for clear discernment that you may see your mistakes
and failures. God will hear such prayers from a humble and contrite
Confession May Be Necessary—If you have failed in your duty
to your families, confess your sins before God. Gather your children
about you and acknowledge your neglect. Tell them that you desire to
bring about a reformation in the home, and ask them to help you to
make the home what it ought to be. Read to them the directions found
in the Word of God. Pray with them; and ask God to spare their lives,
and to help them to prepare for a home in His kingdom. In this way
you may begin a work of reformation; and then continue to keep the
way of the Lord
Give Children an Example of Strict Obedience—The special
work of parents is to make the laws of God plain to their children and
to urge their obedience to them, that they may see the importance of
obeying God all the days of their life. This was the work of Moses.
He was to enjoin upon parents their duty to give to their children an
example of strict obedience. And this is the work that above everything
else must be done in the home life today. It is to accompany the third
angel’s message. Ignorance is no excuse why parents should neglect
to teach their children what it means to transgress the law of God. The
light is abundant, and none need to walk in darkness, none need to
be in ignorance. God is as verily our instructor today as He was the
teacher of the children of Israel, and all are bound by the most sacred
obligations to obey His laws
Pray and Work for Their Salvation—Teach your children that
the heart must be trained to self-control and self-denial. The motives of
the life must be in harmony with the law of God. Never be satisfied to
have your children grow up apart from Christ. Never feel at ease while
they are cold and indifferent. Cry to God day and night. Pray and work
for the salvation of the souls of your children. “The fear of the Lord is
Manuscript 22, 1904
Letter 90, 1898