Seite 435 - Child Guidance (1954)

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polished plate. What kind of picture do you wish to produce? Parents,
answer the question! What kind of picture will the great Master Artist
make of you in the records of heaven? ... We must decide this now.
Hereafter, when death shall come, there will be no time to straighten
the crooked places in the character.
To us individually this should be a most important matter. Every
day our likeness is being taken for time and for eternity. Let each one
say, “I am having my likeness taken today.” Ask yourself daily, hourly,
“How will my words sound to the heavenly angels? Are they as apples
of gold in pictures of silver, or are they like a blasting hail, wounding
and bruising?” ...
Not only our words and actions, but our thoughts, make up the
picture of what we are. Then let every soul be good and do good. Let
the picture made of you be one of which you will not be ashamed.
Every feeling we cherish makes its impress upon the countenance.
God help us to make our record in our families what we would wish it
to be in the heavenly record
Have You Been Careless?—Oh, that parents would look prayer-
fully and carefully after their children’s eternal welfare! Let them ask
themselves, Have we been careless? Have we neglected this solemn
work? Have we allowed our children to become the sport of Satan’s
temptations? Have we not a solemn account to settle with God because
we have permitted our children to use their talents, their time and in-
fluence, in working against the truth, against Christ? Have we not
neglected our duty as parents and increased the number of the subjects
of Satan’s kingdom
If mothers neglect to properly educate their children, their neglect is
reflected back upon them again, making their burdens and perplexities
harder than they would have been if they had devoted time and patient
care in training their children to obedience and submission. It will pay
in the end for mothers to make the formation of the characters of their
children their first and highest consideration, that the thorns may not
take root and yield an abundant harvest
Children Will Condemn Unfaithful Parents—The curse of God
will surely rest upon unfaithful parents. Not only are they planting
Letter 78, 1901
Testimonies For The Church 6:429, 430
The Signs of the Times, August 5, 1875