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Child Guidance
thorns which will wound them here, but they must meet their own
unfaithfulness when the judgment shall sit. Many children will rise up
in judgment and condemn their parents for not restraining them and
charge upon them their destruction. The false sympathy and blind love
of parents cause them to excuse the faults of their children and pass
them by without correction, and their children are lost in consequence,
and the blood of their souls will rest upon the unfaithful parents
Children Will Pay Tribute to Faithful Parents—When the judg-
ment shall sit, and the books shall be opened; when the “well done”
of the great Judge is pronounced, and the crown of immortal glory
is placed upon the brow of the victor, many will raise their crowns
in sight of the assembled universe and, pointing to their mother, say,
“She made me all I am through the grace of God. Her instruction, her
prayers, have been blessed to my eternal salvation.
Results of Faithful Training Will Be Manifest—All who have
wrought with unselfish spirit will behold the fruit of their labors. The
outworking of every right principle and noble deed will be seen. Some-
thing of this we see here. But how little of the result of the world’s
noblest work is in this life manifest to the doer! How many toil un-
selfishly and unweariedly for those who pass beyond their reach and
knowledge! Parents and teachers lie down in their last sleep, their
lifework seeming to have been wrought in vain; they know not that
their faithfulness has unsealed springs of blessing that can never cease
to flow; only by faith they see the children they have trained become a
benediction and an inspiration to their fellow men, and the influence
repeat itself a thousandfold.... Men sow the seed from which, above
their graves, others reap blessed harvests. They plant trees that others
may eat the fruit. They are content here to know that they have set in
motion agencies for good. In the hereafter the action and reaction of
all these will be seen
Parents May Bring Children With Them to Promised Land—
God has permitted light from His throne to shine all along the path of
life. A pillar of cloud by day, a pillar of fire by night, is moving before
us as before ancient Israel. It is the privilege of Christian parents today,
Testimonies For The Church 1:219
Messages to Young People, 330
Education, 305, 306