Seite 50 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Child Guidance
supreme, and they will test every experience that comes to them by
the law and the testimony
If Negligent, Redeem the Time—Parents should be studying the
Word of God for themselves and for their families. But instead of this,
many children are left to grow up untaught, unmanaged, unrestrained.
Parents should now do everything in their power to redeem their ne-
glect and place their children where they will be under the very best
Then search the Scriptures, parents. Be not only hearers; be doers
of the Word. Meet God’s standard in the education of your children
The Guiding Rule: What Saith the Lord?—The work of all par-
ents is to train their children in the way of the Lord. This is not a matter
that can be trifled with, or set aside, without incurring the displeasure
of God. We are not called upon to decide what course others shall
pursue, or how we may get on the most easily, but, What saith the
Lord? Neither parents nor children can have peace or happiness or
rest of spirit in any false path. But when the fear of God reigns in the
heart, combined with love for Jesus, peace and joy will be felt.
Parents, spread out the Word of God before Him who reads your
heart and every secret thing, and inquire, What saith the Scripture?
This must be the rule of your life. Those who have a love for souls will
not be silent when they see their danger. We are assured that nothing
but the truth of God can make parents savingly wise in dealing with
human minds, and keep them so
Individual Preparation—If there is any post of duty above an-
other which requires a cultivation of the mind, where the intellectual
and physical powers require healthy tone and vigor, it is the training
of children
In view of the individual responsibility of mothers, every woman
should develop a well-balanced mind and pure character, reflecting
only the true, the good, and the beautiful. The wife and mother may
bind her husband and children to her heart by an unremitting love,
Letter 356, 1907
Manuscript 76, 1905
Manuscript 57, 1897
The Review and Herald, March 30, 1897
Pacific Health Journal, June, 1890