Preparation is Needed
shown in gentle words and courteous deportment, which, as a rule,
will be copied by her children
Mother, This Is Your Scared Work—My sister, Christ has com-
mitted to you the sacred work of teaching His commandments to your
children. In order to be fitted for this work, you must yourself live
in obedience to all His precepts. Cultivate a watchful observance of
every word and action. Guard most diligently your words. Overcome
all hastiness of temper; for impatience, if manifested, will help the
adversary to make the home life disagreeable and unpleasant for your
Work in Partnership With the Divine—Mothers, let your hearts
be open to receive the instruction of God, ever bearing in mind the
fact that you must act your part in conforming to the will of God. You
must place yourself in the light and seek from God wisdom, that you
may know how to act, that you may acknowledge God as the chief
worker, and realize that you are a laborer together with Him. Let your
heart be drawn out in contemplation of heavenly things. Exercise your
God-given talents in doing the duties which God has enjoined upon
you as a mother, and work in partnership with divine agencies. Labor
intelligently, and, “whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever
ye do, do all to the glory of God.
The mother should surrender herself and her children to the care
of the compassionate Redeemer. Earnestly, patiently, courageously,
she should seek to improve her own abilities, that she may use aright
the highest powers of the mind in the training of her children. She
should make it her highest aim to give her child an education which will
receive the approval of God. As she takes up her work understandingly,
she will receive power to perform her part
The mother should feel her need of the Holy Spirit’s guidance, that
she may herself have a genuine experience in submission to the way
and will of the Lord. Then, through the grace of Christ, she can be a
wise, gentle, loving teacher of her children
Pacific Health Journal, September, 1890
Letter 47a, 1902
The Signs of the Times, April 9, 1896
The Signs of the Times, April 3, 1901
The Review and Herald, May 10, 1898