Chapter 10—The Key to Happiness and Success
Happiness Dependent on Obedience—Let fathers, mothers, and
the educators in our schools remember that it is a higher branch of
education to teach children obedience. Altogether too little importance
is attached to this line of education
Children will be happier, far happier, under proper discipline than
if left to do as their untrained impulses suggest
Prompt and continual obedience to wise parental rule will promote
the happiness of the children themselves, as well as the honor of God
and the good of society. Children should learn that in submission to
the laws of the household is their perfect liberty. Christians will learn
the same lesson—that in their obedience to God’s law is their perfect
The will of God is the law of heaven. As long as that law was
the rule of life, all the family of God were holy and happy. But when
the divine law was disobeyed, then envy, jealousy, and strife were
introduced, and a part of the inhabitants of heaven fell. As long as
God’s law is revered in our earthly homes, the family will be happy
Disobedience Caused Loss of Eden—The history of Adam and
Eve’s disobedience in the very beginning of this earth’s history is
fully given. By that one act of disobedience our first parents lost their
beautiful Eden home. And it was such a little thing! We have reason
to be thankful that it was not a larger matter, because if it had been,
little disregards in disobedience would have been multiplied. It was
the least test that God could give the holy pair in Eden.
Disobedience and transgression are ever a great offense to God.
Unfaithfulness in that which is least will soon, if uncorrected, lead
to transgression in that which is great. It is not the greatness of the
disobedience, but the disobedience itself which is the crime
Manuscript 92, 1899
Manuscript 49, 1901
The Review and Herald, August 30, 1881
Manuscript 92, 1899