Child Guidance
The Foundation of Temporal and Spiritual Prosperity—
Temporal and spiritual prosperity are made conditional upon obedience
to the law of God. But we do not read God’s Word, and thus become
familiar with the terms of the blessing that is to be given to all who
hearken diligently to God’s law and teach it diligently in their families.
Obedience to God’s Word is our life, our happiness. We look upon the
world and see it groaning under the wickedness and violence of men
who have degraded the law of God. He has withdrawn His blessing
from orchard and vineyard. Were it not for His commandment-keeping
people who live upon the earth, He would not stay His judgments. He
extends His mercy because of the righteous, who love and fear Him
Guide the Children Into Paths of Obedience—A sacred duty
rests upon parents to guide their children into paths of strict obedi-
ence. True happiness in this life and in the future life depends upon
obedience to a “Thus saith the Lord.” Parents, let Christ’s life be the
pattern. Satan will devise every possible means to break down this
high standard of piety as one altogether too strict. It is your work to
impress upon your children in their early years the thought that they
are formed in the image of God. Christ came to this world to give
them a living example of what they all must be, and parents who claim
to believe the truth for this time are to teach their children to love God
and to obey His law. This is the greatest and most important work that
fathers and mothers can do.... It is God’s design that even the children
and youth shall understand intelligently what God requires, that they
may distinguish between righteousness and sin, between obedience
and disobedience
Obedience to Become a Delight—Parents should educate their
children line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a
little, not allowing any disregard of God’s holy law. They should rely
upon divine power, asking the Lord to help them to keep their children
true to Him who gave His only-begotten Son to bring the disloyal and
disobedient back to their allegiance. God longs to pour upon men and
women the rich current of His love. He longs to see them delighting
to do His will, using every jot of their entrusted powers in His service,
Manuscript 64, 1899
Manuscript 67, 1909